Membership Information

Membership Information

Our memberships are flexible and offer  one of the most value for money Riding Club memberships in Australia!

How much does it cost?

Choose your level of membership based on your level of usage (how often are you going to be at the Kings Park Equestrian Centre)

Please see the table below comparing membership prices

 Membership pay per month pay per year Day Pass Yard Camping(Non Powered)
Bronze $8.00 $84.00 $10.00
Silver $20.00 $168.00 $5.00
Gold $60.00 $504.00 FREE $5.00 FREE


Memberships can be paid on a monthly subscription or annually to save another 30% on top of our already great price!

All memberships are for families.


 Community:  We are committed to creating a fabulous community space so when you invest in the club you are investing in the community!  The stronger the club becomes the stronger the local economy.

Safe Space:  The club is operated on private property, this means we can manage user groups to enjoy the grounds in harmony.  For example You can be sure to enjoy a trail ride with your friends without the unexpected arrival of bikes, 4wd vehicles and the general public etc as is now a seemingly common occurrence on public trails. We are an equestrian club and welcome horses, carriage driving, bushwalking (dogs allowed on leads) but no bikes or 4wd vehicles. The club has a zero tolerance bullying policy and this gives club members peace of mind that they can truly enjoy a safe space when attending the grounds.

Love of the Horse:  We love all things Equestrian!  and are dedicated to creating a space for horses and their owners to thrive!  Offering access to a broad range of professional services all in one place!

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